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March 12, 2021Tips for Landscape Maintenance During the Winter
The winter period may not be the best to improve your lawn because it wreaks havoc especially in the regions that experience ice and snow. If you experience extreme cold conditions, the following steps can help to protect the shrubs, trees, and plants from wind, ice, and winter temperatures.
Trimming and Pruning
Winter is the perfect time to cut the shrubs, prune the perennial fences, eliminate the unnecessary tree branches, and trim decorative grasses. The hedges and shrubs are supposed to leaf out over the spring if you prune nicely during the winter. Tree branches destroyed by the cold weather are vulnerable to disease and insect attacks.
Therefore, they need perfect care using a pruning saw to experience hastened self-repair. The heavy snow droppings damage trees during the winter, and so you should not shake them, instead, brush the snow from the branches. The unending grass must be cut down to the ground level, and a fence trimmer can be used.
Clear the Yard
Clearing the lawn is compulsory during the winter. If the season arrives earlier than planned, you can rake the lawn to remove the leaves, toys, tools, and even debris. A pile of leaves or toys can help to decompose the underlying grass, and even avert new growth because of a limited supply of oxygen. However, the leaves and debris may become breeding areas for disease-causing bacteria or attract pests and insects.
Therefore, you should find a landscaping expert to guide you accordingly. He or she might advise you to use a blower to remove the grass. Prompt snow removal from flower beds and other sensitive areas can be done. Mulching around shrubs, trees, and plants can be done to offer more protection over the winter and control erosion as well as water loss.
Prep the Beds and Plant
Towards the end of the winter season and the onset of spring, you should focus more on preparing the beds and planting. Evaluate the planting schedules and the relevant recommendations before you start. From there, you should determine the edges, and use a lawnmower to create a perimeter pass. This facilitates line trimming to get a crisp and clean finish. You can then install the spring bulbs in an elevated and well-draining planting bed.
Care and Service for the Tools
The outdoor equipment should be taken care of or serviced during this offseason because you need them when the spring approaches. The mower’s blades must be sharpened, the air filters replaced amongst other necessary repairs. Finally, all the pieces of equipment must be stored nicely to safeguard them from the effects of the winter season.