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August 15, 2021
What Are the Five Best Plants To Add to Your Winter Landscape?
October 18, 2021Fall planting is extremely beneficial for most bulb gardens, it will help strengthen their root system and make them stronger. Most gardeners are fearful of planting flowers in the fall; however, most flowers can survive the cold weather and enjoy healthy and colorful blooms throughout the year. One of the most important conditions for successful flower planting in the autumn is having good soil that is warm in color. Most bulbs do well in warm, slightly acidic soil.
One of the easiest methods for early bulbs to thrive is by simply separating them from other plants in your garden during the growing season. This can be done by pruning some plants, or by handpicking individual leaves off plants. The best time to separate bulbs is late summer or early fall, but not before. The benefit of pruning early in the season is that any disease or insect attack would be passed over to the next crop. The danger to planting early bulbs is that their strong roots could break through the ground and cause damage to the entire crop.
Another benefit of early planting is that you do not have to wait until the weather gets very cold to put your bulbs into storage. In warm weather states, the soil is warm and full of nutrients for the plants to soak up. In colder climates, however, the soil can become cold and hard. Bulbs that are planted early will stay healthy regardless of the temperature of the soil. Just be sure to spread them out as far as possible.
If your flowerbed is exposed to wind, be careful how you position your plants so that they don’t get hit. It’s often possible to relocate plants in mild or moderate wind. Also, be careful about where you place your plants that are in direct sunlight. The sun will dry out the soil quickly and you don’t want to risk having your flowers decay in the soil.
One of the most important things to remember when planting flowers in the fall is to make sure that you follow the directions exactly. Don’t just dig a hole, stick a flower and then forget about it. There are so many beautiful varieties and colors to choose from that you may overlook a minor detail. You may think that you are doing a good job at planting your flowerbed, but you might be missing an important piece of information. This is especially true if you are planting on your own.
Many flower gardens are designed for professional gardeners and those who don’t have a lot of time to garden. That’s not the case for most of us! Flowering plants and shrubs are a great way to add color to your home and add beauty to your yard at the same time. So, don’t hesitate to plant those flowers that you love in the fall. It will be one of the best times of your life.